Group Sandwich Order

Welcome Convergence Networks!

Have each person in your group complete their sandwich order here. Please complete the form and submit order at the end.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to see our sandwich menu.

For November 21, 2023 @ 12:00 PM


Our Sandwich Menu

Below are our tantalizing mouth-watering sandwiches. All sandwiches come with your choice of cheese and toppings, so you can adjust the sandwiches exactly to your liking.



1. Tacchino

Stacked Cuddy Oven Roasted Turkey Breast with Swiss Cheese 



2. Tacchino Piccante

Stacked Oven Roasted Turkey Breast with Mastro Hot Genoa Salami and Inferno Havarti 



3. Quattro Carni

Stacked San Daniele Classica Mortadella, Mastro Genoa Salami, Bona Capicollo, Mastro Prosciutto Cotto and Saputo Provolone Cheese



4. Diavolo

Stacked San Daniele Hot Mortadella, Mastro Hot Genoa Salami, Bona Hot Capicollo and Saputo Provolone Cheese 



5. Manzo Affumicato

Stacked Levitts Smoke Meat and Swiss Cheese



6. Manzo Arrostito

Stacked Levitts Roast Beef and Swiss Cheese



7. Foresta Nera

Stacked Brandt Black Forest Ham and Havarti Cheese



8. Misto Italiano

Stacked San Daniele Classica Mortadella, Mastro Genoa Salami, Bona Capicollo and Saputo Provolone Cheese 



9. Prosciutto Cotto

Stacked Mastro Prosciutto Cotto and Saputo Provolone Cheese 



10. Vegeteriano

Assorted Freshly Cut Vegetables 



11. Calabrese

Stacked Mastro Hot Calabrese Salami, Mastro Extra-Hot Capicollo and Inferno Havarti Cheese



12. Di Parma

Stacked Fini Prosciutto Di Parma, Saputo Tuma Cheese and Premium Olive Oil 



13. Mortadella Classica

Stacked San Daniele Classica Mortadella and Saputo Provolone Cheese